Frozen Discus Food 110g

$9.97 - $10.50
Limited stock kept in store, pre orders arrive weekly.

Product Description


Ideal For:


Fish Fuel Co. Discus Food is specially formulated for Discus fish, providing all the nutrients for good growth and healthy, happy fish. Astaxanthin, a natural colour enhancer to ensure your Discus look their best, is also part of this special formulation.

This premium quality food contains selected vegetables as well as top grade proteins from a wide variety of ingredients. It will ensure your Discus enjoy a balanced and satisfying diet and have all the vitamins and minerals they need to thrive.


110 Grams net – 35 Cubes
Contains: Premium quality New Zealand green lip mussels, trimmed hearts, prawns, fish, krill pacifica, blood worms, spinach, peas, banana, spirulina algae, garlic, wheat germ, dietary fibre and Astaxanthin (a natural colour enhancer). Fortified with leading animal nutrition company Wombaroo’s customised multi-vitamins and minerals formula including essential fatty acids omega 3, 6, and 9.

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