Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Correa reflexa NUMMULAIFOLIA Now: $12.50 RRP: Was: Hardy semi-prostrate low spreading native shrub with pale lemon / lime green tubular bird attracting…
Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Pink Fringed Myrtle - 'Calytrix tetragona' Now: $12.95 RRP: Was: A lovely shrub adorned with star-shaped flowers, varying in height from one to a few meters. These w…
Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Golden Feathers - ‘Calothamnus quadrifidus’ Now: $21.90 RRP: Was: Golden Feathers™ is a resilient shrub with lengthy stems of lush green leaves, reaching a size…
Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Callistemon PURPLE SPLENDOUR - Bottle Brush Now: $12.95 RRP: Was: A compact bottlebrush plant that showcases vibrant purple flower heads abundantly during summer and …
Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Callistemon WESTERN GLORY - Bottle Brush Now: $12.95 RRP: Was: A remarkable large shrub with beautiful mauve-red bottlebrush flowers, ideal for informal hedging an…
Birds, Bees and Butterfly trees, Add to Cart Isopogan - Formosus Now: $13.60 RRP: Was: A small shrub with appealing leaves and beautiful purple flower clusters that make excellent cut flo…
Silvan Choose Options Silvan 15 Litre Backpack Sprayer RRP: Was: Now: $99.00 - $105.00 15L BACKPACK SPRAYER Designed for accurate application of chemicals using either the adjustable nozz…
Apparent Ag Choose Options Apparent RAVAGE - Selective formula. (Comparable to: Kamba M) RRP: Was: Now: $44.00 - $265.00 For control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and non-crop areas. Visit https://appa…
Apparent Ag Choose Options WOODY EXTRA (Comparable to Grazon Extra Herbicide) Woody weed killer RRP: Was: Now: $99.00 - $572.00 Woody Extra Herbicide - 1 Litre, 5 Litre, 20 Litre | Powerful Woody Weed Control Woody Extra Herbici…
Growbetter Choose Options Vermiculite (5L and big 100L bags) Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: Features and Benefits Improves aeration and water holding capacity. Lightweight and easy to handle.…
Growbetter Choose Options Perlite (12L and big 100L bags) Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: Features and Benefits Improves aeration and water holding capacity. Lightweight and easy to handle.…
Growbetter Choose Options Mudgee Dolomite Lime 25kg Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: Dolomite What is Dolomite? Dolomite is a term used by geologists to describe rocks containing Carb…
Growbetter Choose Options Growbetter Dolomite Lime 12kg RRP: Was: Now: $13.49 - $14.20 FEATURES AND BENEFITS Assists plants to take up nutrients faster and more efficiently Encourages ea…
Sale Growbetter Choose Options Garden Lime RRP: Was: $14.00 Now: $13.03 - $14.00 FEATURES AND BENEFITS Assists plants to take up nutrients faster and more efficiently Encourages ea…
Growbetter Choose Options Gypsum (Claybreaker) 10kg / 25kg RRP: Was: Now: $0.00 - $18.95 FEATURES AND BENEFITS Completely natural – mineral origin Breaks up clays to improve texture …
Growbetter Choose Options All purpose organic fertiliser PELLETS Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: FEATURES AND BENEFITS Organically certified product 100% organic from renewable, recycled and natur…
Growbetter Choose Options All purpose organic fertiliser POWDER Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: FEATURES AND BENEFITS Organic nitrogen sourced from blood and bone, slowly released to plants for u…
Growbetter Choose Options Bloomin' Roses Fertiliser Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: FEATURES AND BENEFITS Provides all the essential nutrients to promote strong, healthy growth and pr…
Growbetter Choose Options Natural Natives Aussie Native Fertiliser - 2.5kg Now: $0.00 RRP: Was: FEATURES AND BENEFITS Specific low phosphorus formulation to suit all native plants including banks…