Lawn repair seed blend - 1kg

Available everyday in store. Preorders arrive weekly to fortnightly into store.

Product Description


  • Ideal for home lawns, where patching, repairing or oversowing an existing lawn is required.
  • Perennial Ryegrass will establish rapidly and gives the turf superior wear resistance.
  • Contains fine textured cool season grasses for year round colour.
  • Will grow in full sun and medium shade conditions.
  • Hardwearing and remains green all year round
  • Contains starter fertiliser for establishment
  • 29% Perennial Ryegrass
  • 21% Annual Ryegrass
  • 5% Fine Fescue
  • 5% Couchgrass
  • 21% Kentucky Bluegrass
  • 20% Bentgrass
  • 100g Starter Fertilser
  • 1kg oversows 70m2


Best Planting Time: Plant all year round. See instructions below for late Spring or Summer planting.

Step 1 – Dig soil to a depth of 10cm. Work the top 3cm of soil to a fine smooth texture (a load of sandy loam topsoil will help). On hard clay soils, apply Grow Better Gypsum.

Step 2 – Check soil acidity – pH of 6 to 7 is ideal. Adjust acid soils with Grow Better Garden Lime.

Step 3 – Rake Lawn Starter into the soil. Spread Grow Better Lawn Repair Blend evenly, firm down or tread seed into surface.

Step 4 – Water with fine spray and keep damp until lawn is established (1 to 3 weeks). Lawns sown in late Spring or Summer need frequent watering during the first summer.

Step 5 – Mow when grass is 5cm high, removing the top 2cm.

Feeding – Lawns need regular feeding to resist wear, disease and heat stress. Feed in Spring, early Summer and Autumn.

Watering – Regular deep watering is better than frequent light applications and makes lawn care easier and more water efficient.