Live Regular Mealworms TUB OF BUGS

$0.00 - $21.50
PREORDERS delivered weekly (Wednesday afternoons)

Product Description

Species: Tenebrio molitor
Sizes Available: Choose from Regular, Small or Mini
Quantities Available:
Regular: 10g tubs, 50g tubs, 100g tubs or per serve quantities
Small: Per serve quantities
Mini: 25g tubs
Taste The Difference: Serve live or choose Regular sized mealworms frozen, freeze dried or as meal
Quick Tip! Store your live mealworms in the fridge for optimum longevity


Please check the Live Criket Bucket page here for upcoming delivery dates from Minibeasts

Buggy Trivia:

Did you know the Tenebrio Molitor, a.k.a. the mealworm, isn't actually a worm? It's a beetle in its larvae phase. Just goes to show, you don't need to be a butterfly to have an amazing transformation.