Munash Rockdust - 3kg - 20kg (Order-in only)

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Product Description

Munash Organics Rockdust is a unique formula which was developed on our organic family farm in Central Victoria. After growing food and farming on the rich volcanic mineral soil we knew the answer laid right beneath our feet. We spent over a decade formulating our blend which can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

Features and Benefits

  • Soil, Plant & Compost Mineral Food

  Directions For Use

Application Guide: Rockdust is suitable for all plant types.

For seedlings and new plants, sprinkle Rockdust in the hole then top dress over soil when planted.

Sprinkle one handful (100g) of Rockdust per m2 on top of soil, lawn and garden beds.

Apply Rockdust every Autumn and Spring.

Add a handful of Rockdust to your compost every 6 weeks.


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