Product Description
Woody Extra Herbicide - 1 Litre, 5 Litre, 20 Litre | Powerful Woody Weed Control
Woody Extra Herbicide is a highly effective solution designed to tackle tough, woody weeds in various environments. Formulated with robust active ingredients, this herbicide ensures comprehensive control over a wide range of woody and hard-to-kill weeds, making it ideal for agricultural, commercial, and residential use.
Please note, Woody Extra has replaced 'Woody'
Key Features:
- Active Ingredients: 300 g/L Triclopyr, 100 g/L Picloram, and 8 g/L Aminopyralid
- Target Weeds: Controls a variety of woody weeds including blackberry, gorse, broom, and other hard-to-kill brush species.
- Application Areas: Suitable for use in non-crop areas, rights-of-way, forestry, and industrial sites.
- Packaging: Available in a 1 Litre bottle for convenient handling and application.
- Powerful Control: Ensures effective management of stubborn woody weeds, reducing the need for repeat applications.
- Versatile Use: Ideal for a wide range of environments including pastures, roadsides, and non-crop areas.
- Easy Application: Formulated for easy mixing and application, ensuring efficient weed control with minimal effort.
Apparent Woody Extra Herbicide targets a variety of tough, woody weeds. Here is a list of weeds that it effectively controls:
- African boxthorn
- Angophora spp.
- Australian blackthorn (apply from late spring to early autumn)
- Banksia spp.
- Biddy bush (Chinese shrub, sifton bush)
- Blackberry (with associations with docks, ragwort, smartweed, thistles)
- Bitterbark (Alstonia constricta)
- Blue heliotrope
- Camphor laurel
- Camel melon
- Cassinia laevis (Wild rosemary)
- Cockspur thorn
- Common sowthistle
- Cow vine
- Crofton weed
- Cucumber melon (cucumis melo)
- Eucalyptus species
- Flax-leaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis)
- Gorse
- Horehound
- Japanese sunflower
- Lantana (Lantana camara, Lantana montevidensis)
- Limebush
- Lion's tail
- Lucerne (established)
- Manuka
- Mesquite (Prosopis spp.)
- Milfoil (yarrow)
- Mistflower
- Mother-of-millions
- Paddy's lucerne
- Parkinsonia
- Parkinsonia seeding
- Paterson's curse
- Polymeria pusilla
- Prickly pear (common), smooth tree pear
- Prickly paddy melon
- Rubber vine (not infected with rust)
- Siam weed
- Sicklepod
- Spear thistle
- St. John's wort
- Sweet briar
- Tobacco weed
- Tropical soda apple
- Wattle (Acacia spp.) (except wormwood wattle)
- Wild tobacco tree