WOODY EXTRA (Comparable to Grazon Extra Herbicide) Woody weed killer

$99.00 - $572.00
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Product Description

Woody Extra Herbicide - 1 Litre, 5 Litre, 20 Litre | Powerful Woody Weed Control

Woody Extra Herbicide is a highly effective solution designed to tackle tough, woody weeds in various environments. Formulated with robust active ingredients, this herbicide ensures comprehensive control over a wide range of woody and hard-to-kill weeds, making it ideal for agricultural, commercial, and residential use.

Please note, Woody Extra has replaced 'Woody' 

Key Features:

  • Active Ingredients: 300 g/L Triclopyr, 100 g/L Picloram, and 8 g/L Aminopyralid
  • Target Weeds: Controls a variety of woody weeds including blackberry, gorse, broom, and other hard-to-kill brush species.
  • Application Areas: Suitable for use in non-crop areas, rights-of-way, forestry, and industrial sites.
  • Packaging: Available in a 1 Litre bottle for convenient handling and application.


  • Powerful Control: Ensures effective management of stubborn woody weeds, reducing the need for repeat applications.
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for a wide range of environments including pastures, roadsides, and non-crop areas.
  • Easy Application: Formulated for easy mixing and application, ensuring efficient weed control with minimal effort.

Apparent Woody Extra Herbicide targets a variety of tough, woody weeds. Here is a list of weeds that it effectively controls:

  1. African boxthorn
  2. Angophora spp.
  3. Australian blackthorn (apply from late spring to early autumn)
  4. Banksia spp.
  5. Biddy bush (Chinese shrub, sifton bush)
  6. Blackberry (with associations with docks, ragwort, smartweed, thistles)
  7. Bitterbark (Alstonia constricta)
  8. Blue heliotrope
  9. Camphor laurel
  10. Camel melon
  11. Cassinia laevis (Wild rosemary)
  12. Cockspur thorn
  13. Common sowthistle
  14. Cow vine
  15. Crofton weed
  16. Cucumber melon (cucumis melo)
  17. Eucalyptus species
  18. Flax-leaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis)
  19. Gorse
  20. Horehound
  21. Japanese sunflower
  22. Lantana (Lantana camara, Lantana montevidensis)
  23. Limebush
  24. Lion's tail
  25. Lucerne (established)
  26. Manuka
  27. Mesquite (Prosopis spp.)
  28. Milfoil (yarrow)
  29. Mistflower
  30. Mother-of-millions
  31. Paddy's lucerne
  32. Parkinsonia
  33. Parkinsonia seeding
  34. Paterson's curse
  35. Polymeria pusilla
  36. Prickly pear (common), smooth tree pear
  37. Prickly paddy melon
  38. Rubber vine (not infected with rust)
  39. Siam weed
  40. Sicklepod
  41. Spear thistle
  42. St. John's wort
  43. Sweet briar
  44. Tobacco weed
  45. Tropical soda apple
  46. Wattle (Acacia spp.) (except wormwood wattle)
  47. Wild tobacco tree